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"was"....it was |
I am an ADULT now. Gawsh. How did that happen?
Now I am a grownup and have to be mature in mature situations....like job interviews and funerals and serious conversations.
I was really scared about adulthood.....but with the help of my already-adult friends, and Pinterest, I have come to the resolution.
I'm gonna be a FUN adult.
Being 18 feels so weird. I feel the same....but different. It's like I can both ways in a mirror. I have 17 years behind me to look back on, and a lifetime ahead to look forward to.
I used to be so scared of growing up....I had such a bad case of Peter Pan Syndrome, you have no idea. But I'm not scared of growing up anymore.
Because there is really no strict guideline to how adults should act. Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean I can't have fun.
Being an adult means I have more responsibility and freedom. I can vote, get married, enter the lottery, join a convent, legally drink in France.....It means that other adults will expect more from me. It means other adults will look at me as more of an equal. It means more younger people will look up to me.
But it doesn't mean I can't still be ME.
I plan on being just as insane as I have always been.....but also mature when the situation calls for maturity.
People get the word "mature" so wrong. They think of it as being boring and stodgy and just wanting to sit around day making sure everyone's following the rules. THAT'S NOT WHAT MATURE MEANS.
Being mature means knowing how to behave appropriately. Being mature is not doing stupid, reckless things that make people uncomfortable. Being mature means knowing when to stop and knowing when to act your age. It's self-control, self-pride, and patience, backed by experience and wisdom.
Knowing how to be mature is a GOOD thing! Honestly, I can't stand immature people. No one can. They are so annoying and it's hard to talk to them or do anything with them because they can't act their age or behave appropriately. However, I have a lot of friends who are very mature for their age and I can talk to them like we're the same age and always forget that they're actually 5 years younger than me....
So my birthday. It was AWESOME.
I think this was the best birthday I've had in years.....my family had decorated the house with a French theme because of my slight obsession with certain French musicals. The Street Gamin (dear siblings they are) built a Barricade on the table populated by army men and reenacted Enjolras getting blown up multiple times. Dear, sweet siblings...
Usually we have an evening family party thing, but this time we had relatives over for breakfast and it was awesome. I LOVE BIRTHDAY BREAKFASTS NOW.
Then we had a friend's wedding so we went to that, and it was awesome and sweet. I liked being with my friends on my birthday....usually we only have family birthdays.
We got home when it was getting dark, and had a Fend-For-Yourself Night in which we ate breakfast leftovers. (Breakfast leftovers make the best dinner EVER. I love having breakfast for dinner. S'awesome.)
Then we had pumpkin pie.
I love love love love pumpkin pie so much. It's been my favorite desert since I was a youngling and it always bothered me that everyone only ate it at Christmas and Thanksgiving. (Like, who ever came up with THAT stupid tradition? Pumpkin pie is good anytime of the year.) When was like 9 I had pumpkin pie for my birthday, so I followed up that rebellious tradition and accidently made 6 pies. Which for my family, is just enough. We're big believers in having pie for breakfast, you know.
So we ended the day by eating pumpkin pie and watching "The Finest Hours".
That was a really really good movie...but I couldn't STAND the girl What's-her-face. She kind of ruined the whole movie....I'm sorry but I hated her. I love the 50's, but the "progressive, ultra-feminist" characters like her completely ruin it.
List of things I've done as an adult:
- Received a blessing from the priest (YES!!)
- Went to Mass and received the sacraments of Confession and the Holy Eucharist
- Went to H.E.B. at midnight with friends and skipped up and down the aisles singing
- Did something I've wanted to do my whole life and sat down on the floor of H.E.B.
- Argued over lunchmeat on the floor of H.E.B.
- Stayed up till 2am singing karaoke
- Almost got hit by a car while riding a bike
- Watched Civil War for the 3rd time
- Had a long conversation with the barista at Starbucks
- Had another conversation with the librarian who works the bookstore
- Prayed a Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Starbucks with friends and sister
- Tried the new Waffle Cone Caramel Frappuccino (it tastes like spicy caramel)
- Took selfies in the Sherlock Holmes' theme pub...something I've always wanted to do
- Stole friend's popcorn
- Became not broke
So yeah, it's been fun.
I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I still have to finish school. But I look forward to a fantastic year as an 18 year old and hope that God will shower me with lots of blessings.
Peace out, minions!
*apparently I was incorrect....I HAVE sat on the floor of H.E.B. before. So this was my second time. Doing it alone. And not hiding in an aisle like the last time hehe. So. Yep.
Are you an adult? Do you plan on being a fun adult? Do you think pumpkin pie should be for all year round?
Oh my gosh, DUDE!!! You ooolllddd!!!
ReplyDeleteBut anyways, this sounds like a bomb birthday!!!
Anyways, enjoy adulthood! Happy belated birthday, my dear Haley!
DeleteYES oh goodness it was amazingness.
PIE IS GOOD FOR ANY MEAL. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. I know, we totally need to meet someday!!
Thank you so much, Katie! ;)