Sometimes I just want to throw writing off a cliff. (I don't know how that would work, but I would make it happen. Shush.)
Some days writing is smooth traveling. You are practically overflowing with inspiration, have entire countries of motivation at your beck and call, and your fingers are actually listening to what your mind wants to write for once. Life is good.
Then there are those days when nothing. goes. right.
At all.
Those days where your mind is blank, your page/screen is blank (and most likely cackling with evil, maniacal mock-the-writer laughter), and you feel like a complete and total failure.
And let's be honest, those days pop up A LOT.
How normal people think we write:
How we REALLY write:
(This is also the same concept for drawing. Exact. same. thing.)
So my hiatus is over...or so I think. I actually sat down after a month of nil motivation/inspiration and wrote Chapter Something-Or-Other!!! (Yeah, I forgot what chapter it was. 14, maybe?)
LIFE WAS GOOD. People liked this new chapter. I was once again back to feeling good about myself and my writing abilities.
Then I sat down at my computer and tried to write the next chapter. And guess what happened?
![]() |
*cries* |
I really hope it's not another month until I end up writing the next chapter, guys.
"Write anyway, even if you don't have the inspiration/motivation" all you professional writers would say. YEAH BUT WHEN I DO THAT ALL THAT HAPPENS IS:
1) It's the worst possible thing I've ever written and must be immediately deleted so that the world will never know how awful I write
2) I feel like a worthless mollusk that couldn't ever be a famous author someday CAUSE LOOK AT THE RUBBISH I JUST WROTE ALKSDGLKHS.
3) I write one sentence, look at that sentence, then has to go consume a pint of lemon cookie ice cream to repair the damage that one sentence did on my writerly ego.
Writing is hard, y'all. I really really REALLY wanna toss it into Mt. Doom and just be done with it. (Did I already mention that?)
Moving on.
My book!!!!! *squeals and does happy dance*
This is the first novel I've ever started writing and ACTUALLY DEEMED IT OKAY. All my other WIPs are shoved in a file somewhere because I can't bear to look at them.
Except now I've gotten about maybe 1/3 into the story and all I want to do is rewrite the whole thing. BUT I CAN'T BECUASE I MUST FINISH THE FIRST DRAFT FIRST.
It's a painful process.
Here is the cover:
Yes, I made it myself. I find it very cringe-worthy.
Here's the summary:
World governments are in chaos and upheaval in the aftermath of WWIII. The French monarchy has been revived and is struggling to regain power. In order to create an alliance with the U.S., Shauna Riley, a normal teenage American girl, is married to Dauphin Louis de Bourbon, crown prince of France.
Pawns in the devious game of politics, Shauna and Louis must find a way to accept reality and take on the burdens of the crown...and stay alive.
I SUDDENLY HAVE AN OBSESSION FOR FRANCE. I partially blame that on this book and my bf who also has a strange obsession with France. BUT NOW I REALLY REALLY LOVE EVERYTHING FRANCE. Research does that to you, I think. Did I mention I'm learning French because of this novel?
Here are the main characters:
Shauna Riley
A seventeen year old pianist, Shauna's one dream was to attend the best music academy in the country. Instead, she is snatched out of her country and becomes a princess of France. She is from a small town in Florida, with two younger brothers and a country struggling to regain normality after the war.
Although quiet and shy, she possesses great courage and strength even when her world is turned upside down and can be feisty when she wants to. Shauna is torn between emotions and between loving and hating her new husband.
Louis de Bourbon
Heir to the throne of France, Louis was forced to take on responsibilities that made him grow up too fast and give up his passion for art. At twenty-seven years old, he is far from ready to rule a country.
Although naturally gentle, he often appears to be stern; a trait that developed from looking after his wayward brother and worrying over becoming king. Strongly devoted and loyal, Louis accepts his fate but is reluctant and most of all, lonely.
Pierre de Bourbon
The unruly and flirtatious playboy of the family, Pierre is Louis' twenty-one year old brother who without the burden of the throne, lives to plague his family and new sister-in-law. Prone to get into trouble, Pierre unwittingly becomes a vital character in a game of politics and treachery.
Despite his faults, Pierre is a loyal brother and admits when he's done wrong.
And here are the main characters! At least, the only ones I've found pictures for. Maybe I'll post the rest later.
I must leave you now. I'm supposed to be doing science right now *guilty look*.
Do you ever get frustrating I CAN'T WRITE days? Isn't writing HARD?? What do you think of mine characters?
ReplyDeleteAREN'T THEY THE WORST?? It's like my brain just shut down without warning and now I'm stuck with no idea of how to even write "France".
DeleteI DO!!! That one you're writing on Figment is maaaahvelous.