So I sort of accidently got sucked into the caffeine-filled nightmare that is NaNoWriMo.
No idea how that happened. I had such good resolves this year...I was going to get my school done and have a peaceful life and spend time with family and friends.
But NaNo just laughed and said "LOL NOPE"
So here I am.
*whispers* Help meeeeee.
So if you do not know what NaNoWriMo is, it is National Novel Writing Month, in which writers attempt to complete a 50K word long novel within the 30 days of November. Sounds fun, right?
Basically NaNo is a month of frantic typing, wrist and finger pain, sleep deprivation, hysterical laughing followed by hysterical crying, too much caffeine to be considered safe, and CHOCOLATE.
I present to you, an example of a NaNoer:
Yes, we're all quite insane and sad little people at the end of the first week.
We spend our waking hours frantically coming up with plots and dialogues for characters, screaming at people/pets/computers/characters for no reason, and wanting to kill every character in the freaking book.
Are we okay? No we are very much not okay. Please leave us alone and feed us chocolate.
So for my NaNo project, I'm going to try to finish "A Game of Chess". At least the first draft.
No, Plot, we aren't going to kill everyone. I want to keep some of them alive, thank you.
So enough about NaNoWriMo.
Remember Halloween? Remember how I said I had an epic costume? Well now you potatoes get to see it.
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My friends and sister and I terrorized our local mall in costume and it was so much fun. Did I mention how much fun it is to go in public in costume? I LOVE HALLOWEEN. *shrieks*
Then this happened:
Because when you give me too much sugar, bad things happen.
The best part about the Blurryface costume is that I can act like a legit 5 year old and it's totally okay. Needless to say, I had a blast acting like a 5 year old.
I sort of fell in love with my Capri Sun. (Because you NEED a Capri Sun for this costume. Need need need.)
And my backpack was the most DIY thing ever....I had a red backpack my grandparents had gotten me from Yellowstone National Park, so I just covered it with white electric tape and good ol' Sharpies, so voila! Instant Stressed Out backpack for broke people.
Well, NaNoWriMo calls. I am already behind in my word count, so I must leave you now to attempt to catch up before the madness sets in.
Ta ta, minions. Happy writing!
Here is my NaNoWriMo profile, if you would like to follow me there. (Follow meeeee):
Are you doing NaNo this year? Has it devoured your soul yet? What did you dress up as for Halloween? Did you have a fantastic Halloween?
ReplyDeleteBut you never answered so I chickened out and now the first week is gone so now I couldn't do it. *sighs* I never manage to get things like this done. Ever.
*grins* Bon chance on yours!!
(Stupid blogger format is vexing me)
Well we're doing it now so. BUCKLE UP IT'LL BE A LONG MONTH. XD
I am so behind though like wat.
You aren't THAT sorry. *grins*
Delete*cries* We are....
...I just realised that I STILL haven't finished up my Civil War posts.... *Groans*
I would love to do nano this year... but I'm already swamped with school and life and everything in general... Should I????
ReplyDeleteAnd my Halloween consisted of passing out candy to kids off every age. WHILE EATING MY DINNER. DX
DeleteIdk I'm swamped in life and school too but I'm doing it you know what, don't listen to my terrible example.
Fun. XD I would have thought you had spent your Halloween binging Supernatural (as I wanted to do).
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ReplyDeleteyou look like you had so much fun!