Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Mini Movie Reviews

So I don't know about you potatoes, but I love the movie theater.  Lovelovelove. 

The dark, velvet aura, the buttery, warm smell of popcorn, the anticipation in the air, it's just such a wonderful place! 

That being said, there have been some really excellent movies that came out recently and so I shall give to you my tiny mini reviews of said films.  Because you know you want my opinion.  That's why you're here, is it not?

Let's get started!

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them

I've never actually seen any of the Harry Potter movies before.  And I've only read two books so a lot of the references probably went right over my head. 

But this was a good good film, folks.

Quick Summary:

Newt Scamander, a Hufflepuff magizoologist, comes to New York. 

He's on a special mission with a suitcase full of magical creatures.

One such creature is the Niffler (my favorite).

it likes shiny things
Anyway, so this happens:

So Newt, with his newfound friends, have to track down the loose creatures before more bad things happen, because lots of bad, dark things are happening in New York and the wizards are blaming the loose magical creatures.  Also there are a bunch of scary Puritan-like witch-hunters to worry about. 

But actually there is.  Lots.  Poor cinnamon roll.  He just wants to protect his creatures.

And that was a rubbish summary but MOVING ON.

Things I Loved:

  • The characters!!  The characters were so marvelously crafted...you loved them, you felt sorry for them, you rooted for them, you shipped them *ahem*, and the ones that were good were absolutely lovable and the nasty ones were downright creepy.  But you still felt sorry for some of them.
  • The imagery.  WOAH.   I mean, WOAH.  This was a beautiful film.  The colors were just so rich and bronzy and beautiful, and the scenery was fabulous, and the creatures were so life-like.  Even if I had no idea what was going on, this movie was an absolute treat for my eyes. 
  • The beasts.  Each one was so unique and odd and just perfectly awesome.  And Newt's bond with them was so adorable....he loved the creatures and they loved him and just go see the movie, okay?

Things I didn't love:

  • The whole reincarnated Puritan witch-hunter thing.  Remember that dark part of history?  When the Protestant Puritans went on a witch-burning rampage?  Yeah not such a good time in history for anyone who could swim or so much as blinked the wrong way.  So this movie basically brought those people back.  The austere, wrathful people who thought they were doing God's will by cleansing the earth of such people.  *groans and shakes head in exasperation*  I mean, great plot thingie!  But as a Catholic, I wasn't so fond of the whole bringing religion into it.  This is a fictional story with magic, so why have the opposing force be a real religion? 
  • We have to wait two whole years for the next movie to come out.  That is too long.  I WANT MORE NEWT AND TINA AND FANTASTICAL BEASTS. 

Out of 5, I rate this film a 4.5.  It was truly fantastic. 

Doctor Strange

You are all going to hate me for this.  But Doctor Strange wasn't one of my favorite Marvel films. 

Quick Summary:

Dr. Stephen Strange, a neurosurgeon, loses the ability of his hands after a car accident. 

So he goes to the Ancient One in a desperate attempt to be healed, but instead ends up staying on to learn the mystical arts in different realities and universes. 

So he learns magic and has to defeat the bad guy who is trying to take over the earth and destroy humanity basically.  (Very original, Marvel.) 

And....that's about it?

Things I loved:

  • Benedict Cumberbatch. 
  • The White Witch (The Ancient One)
  • The Cloak of Levitation that literally had a mind of its own

  • The richness of the costumes and CGI. 
  • The after-credit scenes. OMGGSHGLSHGSLGH. *flails and cackles hysterically*

Things I didn't love:

  • The characters.  Unlike other Marvel films, the characters here were pretty shallow and stereotypical.  I didn't feel an attachment to them, and frankly they were pretty boring. 
  • The plot.  I am still completely confused about what the heck was going on.  They didn't explain the whole other worlds/mystical powers thing very well....
  • The names.  WHAT WERE THEIR NAMES EVEN I HAVE NO IDEA THEY WERE SO EXOTIC AND yep I had no idea what most of their names were. 
  • The whole twisting reality thing.  This is just a personal thing, but the trippy turning reality inside out and upside down in the mirror world really made my head hurt. 

Overall?  It just didn't feel like a Marvel film.  It felt like a weird fantasy sci-fi film that needed more work on deepening the characters and more backstory. 

Out of 5, I give it a 2.7. 

But most of my friends saw it and LOVED it, so hey, this is just my opinion here.  Go see it.  (Because it's MARVEL)


Woah.  This is my favorite Disney princess movie ever.  I know a lot of you were going "ugh it's gonna be like Frozen and another stupid princess movie that's politically correct"


Quick summary:

Moana is a Hawaiian princess who has a special connection with the ocean.

She loves the ocean, but her parents want her to become chief of the island.  (Now I know what you're thinking, so stop it.) 

A darkness is spreading over the ocean, so she ventures out to find the demigod Maui who stole the heart of Tafiti (a goddess island thing) to put it back and stop the darkness from spreading. 

The demigod Maui does not like Moana.  Their journey is an interesting and quite entertaining one.

ANYWAY.  It's amazing. 

Things I loved:

  • DID I MENTION BOTH OF HER PARENTS ARE NOT DEAD.  How rare is that in Disney movies?  And they have a loving sweet relationship, and her parents are AWESOME and I love them.  Also her grandma.  Okay all the characters and family in this were awesome and hilarious and aggghhhh.
  • It was unique.  We finally get a princess from a tropical island who sails and doesn't fit the traditional European mold! 
  • She didn't have a waist the size of her neck, thank you Disney for making a realistic looking girl. 
  • The characters were deep and touching and hilarious and so much feels. 
  • It didn't feel politically correct.  In other words, it wasn't like Frozen. 
  • The songs were amazing and catchy and I must learn them all now.

Things I didn't love:
  • Why does every Disney movie now have a weird song that no one really likes or knows why the heck it's even in there?  Well yes so there was a song that the crab monster sang and it was totally unnecessary.
  • It was too short.  I wanted more of this gorgeous tropical feelsy film.
Also baby Moana is the most adorable thing ever. 

Out of 5, I give this a 4.8. 


Hacksaw Ridge

Saved the best for last.  This is the newest Mel Gibson film starring Andrew Garfield in which I sobbed grossly because this was a truly amazing film. 

Quick Summary:

Based on the true story of Desmond Doss, a Seventh Day Adventist who joined the army during WWII as a medic but refused to pick up or use a gun.

Persecuted for his beliefs, he struggles on and shows true Christian love the whole way. 

When they reached Japan, they had to take Hacksaw Ridge, he alone stayed on the battlefield to save his injured comrades after the Battle of Okinawa and became a hero. 

Things I loved:
  • It was a true story.  It is one of the most inspiring war films I've ever seen. 
  • Desmond Doss was an amazing person.  Andrew Garfield captured him MARVELOUSLY.  His faith, his innocence, his steadfastness and sense of right and wrong, his devotion.  Oh my word.  It was beautiful. 
  • The chemistry between the characters.  You grew to love them all.  They were funny, sincere, and you rooted for them all.

Things I didn't love:
  • Nothing.  I loved it all.
This was a truly amazing film.  It was very violent and graphic on the battlefield, even more gory than Band of Brothers and probably a lot of other war films out there.  But so good.  So inspiring. 

Out of 5?  I give this a 10. 

Whew that was a long post. 

Have you seen any of these films?  What did you think?

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