Monday, January 23, 2017

Sea of Stardust

Rolling golden waves in the night,
Gently hissing, pouring, swirling,
Flashes of sun and star combined
In the sea of stardust.
A shooting orb is swallowed by the gold
And burns out with a bright, raw cry.
Its glowing life force joins the ocean
Of liquid, melting stardust.
As sand in the Sahara, as the gold on a beach,
Baked in the suns of a million universes,
Burning the feet of tumbling asteroids,
Thus shimmers the brilliant sea of stardust.
Roiling, churning, whirlpools and maelstroms,
The cry of the ocean is the singing of celestial voices.
Tinted with every color that glitter possesses,
A desert of magic and death.
Like quicksand, the dust drags you in,
Cold fire crawls up your nose and eyes, taking your life,
Whispering the longing song of the night
As it drags you to join the ocean of light.
There, twinkling somewhere in the night,
A desert patch is seen of gold and ice.
A howling wasteland of singing stars
Is the dangerous sea of stardust.


I meant to do a New Year post......but then Life happened.  (I hate Life sometimes)

So until school and Life slows down* I will just post aesthetics and poetry because this new year is gonna be a good one full of happy INFP things, eh folks?

*aka until I stop being lazy and procrastinating

Au revoir, mes amis!

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