Sunday, May 8, 2016

Civil War Blog Party!!!!!


I SAW "CIVIL WAR".  Twice, I might add.

It was beautiful, guys.  Beautiful. 

My general reactions to Civil War:

And most importantly of all....

So yeah, it was the best movie I've seen in a long, long time. 

I came out like this:

and I have stayed like this ever since

The first time I saw it, I was blubbering and crying so hard afterwards that I had to go hug the life-size Bucky poster out in the theater hallway.  Gosh I wanted to take that Bucky stand-up poster home. 


so much feelsssss

Now I randomly mumble and shriek loudly "Buckyyyy" to myself and it annoys people but I'm not sane and I love James Buchanan Barnes very much so deal with it.

It was beyond amazing, and I am planning on seeing it again. 

Also, I'm participating in a blog party!! 

(I have never done this before so I have absolutely no idea how it works or anything but I'm going to give it a shot because IT SOUNDS FUN.)

I'm linking up with Bella right over here and it'll be EPIC because CIVIL WARRRRR.

GO WATCH IT.  And stay for the credits.  Don't leave.  I promise, it's worth it. 

PEACE OUT, MINIONS.  Stay tuned for Civil War blog party stuff.

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Ah, hello! *sips coffee* Are you going to leave me a comment? I love comments. Comments are cool. So are bow ties. Go ahead and write a comment, there's a good minion.